The Incredible Journey of the Bag Squad

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who were all different kinds of bags. There was Tin, a small tin container, Tray, a metal tray, Tub, a large plastic tub, Sack, a burlap sack, Rack, a coat rack, Suitcase, a big rolling suitcase, Tote, a sturdy canvas tote, Trunk, an old wooden trunk, and Satchel, a leather satchel.

One day, they all decided to go on an adventure together. They traveled through forests, climbed over mountains, and crossed rivers. They were having so much fun, until they realized they were lost!

Tin suggested that they search for food to regain their strength, but there was a problem - they didn't have any hands to carry anything! Just then, an idea struck Tray. "Why don't we use each other?" he suggested.

And so, Tin climbed on top of Tray, and Tub climbed on top of Tin. Sack went next, then Rack, Suitcase, Tote, Trunk, and finally Satchel. They all held on tight as they went in search of food.

As they walked, they encountered a delicious-looking apple tree. But the apples were too high for them to reach. So, they came up with a plan. Trunk stood on his head, Tote climbed on top of Trunk, Suitcase climbed on Tote, and so on until Satchel was able to pluck the apples from the tree.

They continued on their journey, and finally, they found their way home. They had all worked together and had a great adventure. From then on, they were known as the Bag Squad and went on many more adventures together.

The end.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. How did the bags help each other during their adventure?
  3. How did the bags get the apples from the tree?
  4. Why do you think the bags decided to go on an adventure together?
  5. What did the bags learn about teamwork and friendship during their journey?
  6. Do you think the bags will go on more adventures in the future? Why or why not?
  7. Which of the bags is your favorite and why?
  8. How would you describe each of the bags' personalities?

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