The SVN Squad's Epic Performance

Once upon a time, in a land of code, there lived a group of developers who were working on a project. They were called the SVN Squad and were led by the fearless Captain Commit.

One day, Captain Commit received a request from the king to put on a theatrical performance for the kingdom. Captain Commit immediately knew that his team of developers were up for the challenge and he assigned the task of creating a staging area for the play.

The SVN Squad worked tirelessly to create a beautiful stage and wrote an epic story that would be told through their code. They even created a repository filled with all the code for the play.

As the day of the performance approached, Captain Commit realized that there were some bugs in the code. He called upon his trusty friend, the Squash Master, to help him squash all the bugs in the code.

With the Squash Master's help, the bugs were quickly fixed and the performance was ready to begin. The kingdom was filled with excitement as the SVN Squad took to the stage.

Throughout the performance, the SVN Squad used tags to help the audience follow along with the story. They even incorporated submodules into the performance, which added some amazing special effects.

When the performance was over, the kingdom erupted in applause and the SVN Squad received a standing ovation. The king declared that the performance was a huge success and asked for the status of the play to be recorded as "Complete and Epic."

From that day forward, the SVN Squad was known throughout the land as the greatest theatrical troupe of all time. And the Squash Master became an even greater hero for helping to save the performance.

The end.


  1. Who was the leader of the SVN Squad?
  2. What was the request that the SVN Squad received?
  3. Who helped Captain Commit squash the bugs in the code?
  4. What was used to help the audience follow along with the story during the performance?
  5. How did the kingdom react to the SVN Squad's performance?
  6. What was the status of the play after the performance?
  7. What made the Squash Master a hero in the story?
  8. Can you think of any other special effects that the SVN Squad could have added to the performance?

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