Carlos the Canal's Waterway Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a little canal named Carlos. Carlos loved to sing and dance, and he was always in a good mood. One day, Carlos decided to take a trip to explore the different waterways in the land.

He started his journey by visiting Bayou, a slow-moving stream that was always playing the blues. Carlos tried to lift Bayou's spirits by singing a happy song, but Bayou was just too sad.

Next, Carlos visited Channel, who was always busy guiding boats and ships to their destinations. Carlos tried to join in and help, but Channel was too focused on his work to pay attention to him.

Then, Carlos met Basin, who was always collecting rainwater and keeping it safe for the plants and animals that needed it. Carlos offered to help Basin by singing a rain dance, but Basin told him it only worked when it actually rained.

So, Carlos decided to visit Bay, a place where the water was always calm and the sun was always shining. Bay was very happy to see Carlos and the two of them had a great time playing together in the water.

But Carlos wasn't done yet! He still had to visit Bight, a big bend in the shoreline where the water was deep and the waves were high. Carlos was a little scared, but Bight reassured him that it was safe as long as he didn't go too close to the edge.

Next, Carlos visited Bog, a murky swamp filled with strange creatures and plants. Carlos was fascinated by all the new sights and sounds, but he was careful not to step in the soft, squishy ground.

Finally, Carlos came to Cataract, a waterfall that was so powerful and beautiful that it took his breath away. Carlos was so awed by Cataract that he just stood there, staring in wonder.

And lastly, Carlos stumbled upon Arroyo, a dry riverbed that was always searching for water. Arroyo was feeling down because it hadn't rained in so long, but Carlos cheered him up by singing a song about the beauty of rain.

And so, Carlos ended his journey, having made many new friends and having had many exciting adventures along the way. The end.


  1. Who is Carlos and what is he?
  2. Who did Carlos meet on his journey and where did he go?
  3. How did Carlos help his new friends feel better?
  4. Which place did Carlos like the most and why?
  5. What did Carlos learn on his adventure?
  6. Can you name some of the waterways Carlos visited on his journey?
  7. What do you think Carlos will do next on his adventures?

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