Drog the Brave: Taming the Rapids

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a little dragon named Drog. Drog lived near a rivulet that flowed into a big and beautiful river. One day, Drog decided to go for a run along the river to explore and have some fun.

As he was running, he suddenly saw a sign that said "Beware of the Rapids Ahead!" Drog was curious and decided to take a closer look. When he reached the rapids, he saw that the water was rushing by very fast and there were big rocks in the river, forming a reef. Drog was a brave dragon, but he knew better than to try to cross the rapids on his own.

Just then, Drog remembered that there was a big reservoir upstream. He thought that if he could fill up the reservoir, the water level in the river would rise, and the rapids would become less dangerous. So, without wasting any time, Drog started to run upstream as fast as he could.

When he reached the reservoir, he saw that the water level was very low. Drog didn't give up. He took a deep breath, spread his wings, and flew up into the sky. With all his might, he breathed fire into the clouds, and soon enough, it started to rain. The rain filled up the reservoir, and the water level in the river rose.

Drog flew back to the rapids, and to his delight, he saw that the water was now much calmer. He crossed the rapids easily and safely and continued his run along the river. From that day on, Drog became known as the bravest and most clever dragon in all the land. And every time it rained, the little children of the kingdom would run outside and dance, laughing and shouting, "It's all thanks to Drog, the dragon who tamed the rapids!"

The end.


  1. What was Drog's initial plan for his run along the river?
  2. Why did Drog think filling the reservoir would help the rapids?
  3. How did Drog fill the reservoir?
  4. How did the rapids change after the reservoir was filled?
  5. Why was Drog considered a brave dragon?
  6. What did the children of the kingdom do whenever it rained?
  7. Do you think you would have done what Drog did if you were in his place? Why or why not?

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