Chesty the Comedian: A Tale of a Talking Chest

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom of furniture, there lived a chest named Chesty. Chesty lived in a room filled with other furniture items like a bookshelf, a bookcase, a cabinet, a buffet, and a bureau. Chesty was always feeling left out because all the other furniture got to hold and store things, but Chesty just sat there with an empty stomach.

One day, Chesty had an idea. "Why don't I play a prank on my friends and make them think I can talk?" Chesty thought to himself. So, Chesty called out to the bookshelf and asked, "Hey, Bookshelvy, do you want to hear a joke?"

Bookshelvy was surprised to hear Chesty talking and replied, "Chesty, you can talk? That's amazing! What's your joke?"

Chesty cleared his throat and said, "Why did the scarecrow win an award?" Bookshelvy and the other furniture items, including the bookcase, cabinet, buffet, and bureau, all leaned in to hear the answer.

"Because he was outstanding in his field!" Chesty said with a chuckle.

All the other furniture items erupted in laughter and Chesty felt so proud of himself. From that day on, Chesty became the comedian of the room, and every day, he would tell a new joke to his friends.

The moral of the story is that it's not what you can do, but how you make the best of what you have that makes you special and loved by others.

The end.


  1. What made Chesty feel left out among the other furniture items?
  2. How did Chesty come up with the idea to play a prank on his friends?
  3. What did Chesty do to make himself special and loved by the other furniture items?
  4. What was Chesty's first joke about?
  5. What is the moral of the story "Chesty the Comedian"?

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