The Adventure of the Meridian Oasis: A Journey Through the North and Beyond

Once upon a time, in a far-off nation, there was a little oasis in the middle of the scorching hot desert. It was a beautiful place, surrounded by tall mesas, and the only source of water for miles and miles. The animals that lived in the area were very lucky to have such a wonderful place to drink from.

One day, a group of explorers from the north came to the oasis in search of adventure. They were amazed at how cool and refreshing the water was and decided to set up camp right there. They spent many days exploring the surrounding mesas and mountains, taking long hikes and enjoying the beauty of the desert.

However, one day, one of the explorers noticed something strange. He was using a special tool to measure the angles of the sun, and he realized that the sun was hitting the oasis at a peculiar angle. It was exactly at the same angle as the Prime Meridian, the line that separates the east and the west on the world map!

The explorer was so excited that he immediately ran back to the camp to tell his friends. They all crowded around him, eager to hear what he had discovered. "This oasis is special!" he declared. "It is located exactly on the line of the Prime Meridian, the line that separates the east and the west!"

His friends were skeptical at first, but after checking for themselves, they realized that he was right! They were amazed and couldn't believe their luck. They decided to name the oasis the Meridian Oasis, in honor of its special location.

Just then, a big gust of wind blew by, and the explorers saw something floating in the water. It was a message in a bottle, and it read: "Help! We are lost sailors, adrift in the vast ocean. We need to find our way back to the mainland. Can you help us?"

The explorers were determined to help the lost sailors, so they packed up their supplies and set out to sea. They navigated their way through the ocean, following the line of the Prime Meridian and keeping it parallel to the horizon. They sailed and sailed, until finally, they came across a ship in distress. It was the lost sailors!

The explorers were hailed as heroes and the lost sailors were grateful for their help. The sailors invited the explorers to come back and visit them in their village, which was located on the shore of the ocean. The explorers agreed and set off for the village.

From that day on, the Meridian Oasis became a famous landmark, known throughout the nation for its special location and the bravery of the explorers who discovered it. And the explorers became the proud guardians of the Meridian Oasis, protecting it for generations to come.


  1. Where was the Meridian Oasis located?
  2. What did the explorers discover about the oasis that made it special?
  3. What was the message in the bottle the explorers found in the oasis?
  4. Who did the explorers rescue on their sea voyage?
  5. What happened to the explorers after they rescued the lost sailors?

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