The Silly Face Contest: A Tale of Laughter, Clauses, and Unlimited Bananas

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a group of animals who were always looking for ways to have fun. One day, they decided to hold a contest to see who could make the most ridiculous face. They invited all the creatures in the kingdom to participate, and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

On the day of the contest, the animals gathered in a large field and took their places behind a line. The rules were simple: each participant would take turns making their best silly face, and the animal who made the crowd laugh the hardest would win a prize.

The first participant was a wise old owl, who was known for his serious demeanor. He made a face that was so silly, the animals erupted in laughter! The next participant was a mischievous monkey, who made faces at an incredible rate, one after the other. The crowd was in stitches!

Next up was a sly fox who, instead of making a face, pulled out a clause from his pocket. It was a contract that stated that if he won the contest, he would receive a benefit of unlimited bananas for a year. The animals were so surprised that they burst out laughing, and the fox was declared the winner!

But the story doesn't end there. The animals soon realized that the clause had a limit, and that the fox was only entitled to receive a certain number of bananas each month. They decided to conduct an audit to determine the exact value of the prize.

To their surprise, they discovered that the fox had attached a hidden clause to the contract that allowed him to receive bananas at a rate of one per hour! The animals were so amused by the fox's cunning that they let him keep the prize.

And so, the contest went down in history as one of the most hilarious events in the kingdom, and the fox became known as the king of silly faces. The animals learned the value of a good sense of humor and the importance of reading the fine print.


  1. Who won the silly face contest?
  2. What was the prize for the winner of the contest?
  3. What did the animals discover after conducting an audit of the prize?
  4. What did the animals learn from the contest?
  5. Why do you think the fox added a hidden clause to the contract?
  6. How do you think the other animals felt about the fox's prize?
  7. Do you think it's important to read the fine print when signing a contract? Why or why not?

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