Zop the Magnificent's Mischief Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a magical creature named Zop. Zop was a strange creature that had the ability to translate, zoom, transform, stretch, replace, warp, tweak, trim, rotate, skew, and scale anything he touched with his magic touch.

One day, Zop was feeling a bit bored and decided to have some fun with his powers. He zoomed into a small village where all the creatures lived and started his mischief.


  1. What are some of the things that Zop the magical creature was able to do with his powers?

  2. Why do you think Zop decided to use his powers in the small village?

  3. Can you think of any other fun things that Zop could have done with his powers?

  4. How do you think the creatures in the village felt about Zop's mischievous actions?

  5. Do you think Zop's powers could be used for good or only for fun and mischief?

  6. What lesson do you think kids can learn from Zop's story?

  7. How would you feel if you had the powers that Zop had? Would you use them for good or for mischief?

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