The Scratchy Symphony: A Tale of Carol and Her Fiddle

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived a young girl named Carol. Carol was a musical prodigy, she could compose beautiful songs, arrange musical scores, conduct an entire orchestra and croon like a bird. But what she loved most was playing the fiddle.

One day, the King of the kingdom declared a musical competition and whoever could compose the best song and perform it in front of the entire kingdom would win the grand prize. Carol was determined to win and so she started working on her song.

Days passed and it was finally time for the competition. Carol stepped up on stage with her fiddle and began to play. But as she started playing, something strange happened. Instead of music coming out of her fiddle, all that could be heard was a loud, scratchy noise like someone was sawing wood.

Everyone in the audience covered their ears and the King looked at Carol in disbelief. But Carol, being the quick-witted girl that she was, had a plan. She began to conduct the scratchy noise coming from her fiddle, like it was an orchestra.

To everyone's surprise, the scratchy noise started to sound like music, and the audience couldn't help but tap their feet and hum along. Carol then started to croon, adding her beautiful voice to the melody. And before they knew it, the entire kingdom was dancing and singing along to the most unique and funniest song they had ever heard.

When the song was over, the King declared Carol the winner of the competition and presented her with the grand prize. From that day on, Carol's song was known as the "Scratchy Symphony" and was loved by all who heard it.

And that, my friends, is the story of how Carol, with her fiddle and her musical talent, composed, arranged, conducted, crooned, and fiddled her way to fame and fortune.


  1. What was Carol's musical talent?
  2. What was the grand prize in the musical competition?
  3. What happened when Carol started playing her fiddle at the competition?
  4. What did Carol do to turn the scratchy noise into music?
  5. What was the name of the song Carol played in the competition?
  6. Why did the audience love Carol's song?
  7. How did Carol win the competition?
  8. What can you learn from Carol's story about determination and creativity?

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