Jingle and the Magic of Repeat: A Tale of Courage and Music

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom filled with music, there lived a little boy named Jingle. Jingle loved to perform, but he was always so nervous that he would forget the words to his songs. One day, Jingle was asked to perform in front of the entire kingdom for the King and Queen's annual music competition.

Jingle was so nervous that he decided to practice every day for the big performance. He practiced singing, playing his guitar, and even orchestrated a band of his animal friends to join him. The night before the competition, Jingle was so nervous that he couldn't sleep a wink.

The day of the competition finally arrived, and Jingle was ready to take the stage. He walked out onto the stage with his band of animal friends and started to perform. Just as he was about to start singing, he suddenly forgot the words!

Just then, Jingle's animal friends started to repeat the words to the song, and Jingle was able to pick up right where he left off. Jingle's performance was so amazing that the entire kingdom cheered, and the King and Queen declared him the winner of the competition!

Jingle was overjoyed, and he learned that sometimes it's okay to repeat the words to a song if you forget them. From that day forward, Jingle was never nervous to perform again, and he always remembered to have fun and enjoy the music.

And that, my dear friends, is the story of how Jingle learned to score a perfect performance every time.


  1. How does Jingle feel about performing in front of the kingdom?
  2. What does Jingle do to prepare for the music competition?
  3. How does Jingle's band of animal friends help him during the competition?
  4. Why is Jingle no longer nervous to perform after the competition?
  5. What lesson did Jingle learn about performing and music?
  6. How did Jingle's performance make the kingdom feel?
  7. Do you think you would be nervous to perform in front of a large audience like Jingle was? Why or why not?

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