The Clever mouse and the dragon's sight

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a clever little mouse named Mickey. Mickey was known throughout the land for his quick thinking and problem-solving skills.

One day, the king of the kingdom decided to conduct a survey to find out what the citizens needed the most. After many long hours of asking questions and taking notes, the king realized that the people of the kingdom were in desperate need of a reliable water source.

Mickey, being the clever mouse he was, had an idea. He proposed that they could rig a pipe system that would bring water from a nearby lake to the kingdom. The king was impressed and gave Mickey the job of making it happen.

Mickey immediately set to work. He spliced together pieces of pipes and secured them with sturdy knots. He then climbed a tall tree to reeve the pipes over the branches and down to the lake below.

But when Mickey finally reached the lake and looked out over the water, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks. The lake was completely empty! Mickey scratched his head and wondered what could have caused this.

Just then, he spotted a huge dragon sleeping beside the lake. The dragon was snoring so loudly that it had sucked all the water out of the lake and into its huge nostrils.

Mickey knew he had to relieve the dragon of the water, or the kingdom would never get its new water source. So, he climbed onto the dragon's nose and started tickling it. The dragon woke up with a start and blew out all the water, which filled up the lake once again.

Mickey's quick thinking and bravery had saved the day. The kingdom finally got its much-needed water source, and Mickey became a hero. From that day on, whenever the citizens of the kingdom needed help, they knew just who to turn to. And Mickey, being the clever mouse he was, always had a solution to their problems.

The end.


  1. What did the king of the kingdom find out during the survey he conducted?
  2. Who was Mickey and what was he known for?
  3. How did Mickey propose to bring water to the kingdom?
  4. What did Mickey see when he reached the lake?
  5. What did Mickey do to save the day?
  6. How did Mickey become a hero in the kingdom?
  7. Why did the citizens of the kingdom know just who to turn to when they needed help?
  8. What was the solution to the problem of the kingdom's water source?
  9. How do you think Mickey felt when he became a hero?
  10. Can you think of any other ways that Mickey could have solved the problem?

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