The Adventures of the Rolling Cylinder and the Intersecting Shapes

Once upon a time, there was a group of shapes who lived in a world where everything was flat. The shapes were squares, circles, and triangles, and they all got along just fine.

One day, a new shape arrived in town. It was a cylinder, and it was unlike any shape the others had ever seen. The cylinder was confused because it couldn't seem to fit in with the others. It tried to join the squares, but it just wasn't the same shape, so it couldn't quite connect. The same thing happened when it tried to join the circles, and the triangles.

Feeling sad, the cylinder went to the edge of town to think. As it was sitting there, it noticed that the flat world was starting to change. The ground was starting to extrude and animate, creating hills and valleys. The cylinder was amazed and started to play in the new terrain.

As it was rolling down a hill, it saw the other shapes trying to cross a deep valley. They were having a hard time because the ground had deformed and distorted, making it difficult to cross. The cylinder had an idea! It rolled down the hill and used its round body to buffer the shapes as they crossed the valley.

The shapes were so grateful for the cylinder's help that they asked it to stay and be their friend. The cylinder was overjoyed and agreed. From that day on, the shapes all intersected and played together in their newly animated world.

One day, the cylinder suggested they try something new. It suggested they flip themselves over and see what happened. The shapes were hesitant at first, but the cylinder showed them how to do it. And, to their surprise, they could still connect and play together, even when they were upside down!

From that day on, the shapes learned that no matter how different they may seem, they could still be friends and have fun together. They exported this message to all the shapes in their world, and everyone lived happily ever after.


  1. Why was the cylinder shape different from the other shapes?
  2. How did the cylinder shape help the other shapes cross the valley?
  3. Why was the cylinder shape sad at first?
  4. How did the cylinder shape and the other shapes become friends?
  5. What did the cylinder shape teach the other shapes about differences?
  6. What happened when the shapes flipped over?
  7. What was the message the shapes exported to the rest of the world?

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