Blaze the Dragon's Baking Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land of magic and wonder, there lived a mischievous dragon named Blaze. Blaze loved to play with fire and was always looking for new ways to ignite, kindle and light things up.

One day, Blaze was feeling particularly adventurous and decided to bake some cookies. He put the dough in the oven and set the temperature to broil. But, as soon as he turned his back, the cookies started to burn and the oven began to blaze.

Blaze was so excited by the sight of the blazing fire that he forgot all about the cookies. He started to dance around the oven, sending sparks flying everywhere. But then, he suddenly felt a blister on his foot.

He realized that he had been standing too close to the oven and had gotten burned. He quickly put out the fire and examined his foot. It was covered in blisters and he was in a lot of pain.

Feeling sad and sorry for himself, Blaze went to find his friend, a wise old wizard. The wizard took one look at Blaze's foot and knew exactly what to do. He melted some special ointment and rubbed it on the blisters.

In no time, Blaze's foot was feeling better and he was back to his old, mischievous self. But, he had learned his lesson and promised to be more careful with fire from now on.

And that is the story of how Blaze, the mischievous dragon, learned to char his own foot instead of his cookies.


  1. What was Blaze trying to do in the story?
  2. What happened to Blaze's foot?
  3. What did Blaze learn from his experience?
  4. What was the wise old wizard's solution to Blaze's problem?
  5. Have you ever had an accident while baking or cooking? How did you handle it?
  6. What would you have done if you were Blaze in this story?
  7. Why do you think Blaze likes playing with fire so much?
  8. What lesson do you think other kids can learn from Blaze's story?

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