Speedy's Wild Detour Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little car named Speedy. Speedy loved to go fast and was always the first one to accelerate when it was time to drive.

One day, Speedy was driving on the highway when he suddenly saw the exit sign. He was so excited to get off the highway and see what was waiting for him. As he got closer to the exit, he started to brake, but he braked too hard and went flying off the road!

Speedy was stuck in a ditch, and he couldn't figure out how to handle the situation. Suddenly, a truck named Rev came to the rescue. Rev asked Speedy what had happened, and Speedy explained that he had braked too hard and flown off the road.

Rev laughed and said, "Well, let's get you back on the road. Just coast for a bit, and I'll show you how to merge back onto the highway."

Speedy was a bit nervous, but he trusted Rev and followed his instructions. After a few minutes, they made it back onto the highway, and Speedy felt proud of himself for following Rev's instructions.

But as they continued to drive, they came across a detour sign. Rev suggested that they take the detour and see where it leads them. Speedy was excited for an adventure, so he agreed.

The detour took them on a wild and wacky ride, but they eventually made it back to the highway. Speedy was feeling confident and decided to pass Rev and take the lead.

As they drove, Speedy learned that it was important to listen to his friends and not always rely on going fast. He also learned that sometimes, the detours in life can lead to the most exciting adventures.

And that's the story of how Speedy learned to handle the road and have fun, even when things didn't go as planned.


  1. Why was Speedy excited about the exit sign?
  2. What happened to Speedy when he braked too hard?
  3. Who came to help Speedy when he was stuck in a ditch?
  4. What did Speedy learn from his detour adventure with Rev?
  5. What do you think Speedy will do next time he sees a detour sign?
  6. Why was it important for Speedy to listen to Rev's instructions?
  7. Do you think Speedy had more fun on the detour or on the highway? Why?
  8. Can you think of a time when you took a detour and had an adventure?
  9. What do you think the lesson of this story is?
  10. Do you think Speedy will still love to go fast after his adventure with Rev? Why or why not?

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