The Great Goose Rescue

Once upon a time, there was a group of geese that lived on a farm. They were known to be the silliest and most playful birds in all the land. The children who lived on the farm loved playing with them and often chased them around, trying to catch them.

One day, a little child was walking through the fields when he saw a goose running away from something. The child followed the goose to see what was happening and saw a group of mice chasing after the goose. The child felt sorry for the goose and wanted to help, but he didn't know how.

So, the child decided to go to the nearest village to find some help. He found a man and told him about the situation with the goose and the mice. The man laughed and said, "I know just the thing!" He went back to the farm with the child and gathered all the men from the village.

When they got back to the farm, the man had a plan. He told the men to each grab a goose and start running in different directions. The mice, not knowing which way to go, started running in every direction, trying to follow the geese. The geese, being silly as always, started honking and flapping their wings, making the mice even more confused.

The mice finally gave up and ran back to their hole, defeated. The child and the men, who had been giggling the whole time, put the geese back where they belonged and went back to the village, happy that they had helped the goose.

From that day on, the geese and the children continued to play together on the farm. But whenever the mice tried to chase the goose again, the children and the men would always be there to save the day with a little bit of silly goose magic!


  1. What did the little child do when he saw the goose being chased by mice?
  2. How did the man from the village help the child with the goose situation?
  3. What did the geese and men do to confuse the mice?
  4. How did the children and men feel after they helped the goose?
  5. Do you think the mice will try to chase the geese again? Why or why not?
  6. If you were the little child, what would you have done differently to help the goose?
  7. What did you learn from the story about friendship and helping others in need?

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