A Fun Day at the Amusement Park

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to go to the amusement park. She loved to ride the roller coasters and the Ferris wheel. One day, she went to the park with her friends and they had a blast trying out all the rides. They rode the rocking horse, the circus train, the merry-go-round, and even the sea rover.

In the center of the park, they saw a big tent with a sign that said "Circus!" They decided to go inside and watch the show. The clowns were so funny and made them laugh a lot. They also saw acrobats jumping on trampolines and doing flips in the air. It was amazing!

After the circus show, they went to play some games. They tried the bumper cars and had a great time bumping into each other. They also tried the trampoline, where they could jump as high as they wanted.

Before they left the park, they went for one last ride on the Ferris wheel. They could see the whole park from up high and it was a beautiful sight.

Lily and her friends had so much fun at the amusement park that day. They couldn't wait to go back again and try out all the rides and games.

The end.


  1. What was Lily's favorite ride at the amusement park?
  2. What did Lily and her friends see at the circus?
  3. What game did they play after the circus show?
  4. What did they see from the top of the Ferris wheel?
  5. What was the most fun part of the day for Lily and her friends?

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