The Great Apartment Adventure of Fred, Cooky, Compy, and Bubbles

Once upon a time, in a small apartment, there lived a furniture named Fred. Fred was a couch who lived in the living room and loved to watch TV all day. He was always the center of attention in the apartment.

One day, while Fred was sitting in front of the TV, he heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. He decided to investigate and found out that the cooker, Cooky, was trying to escape from the cupboard. Cooky was tired of cooking all day and wanted to explore the world outside the kitchen.

Fred, being a kind and adventurous couch, offered to help Cooky escape. They both sneaked out of the kitchen and into the garage where they found a computer, Compy, sitting on a table. Compy had always wanted to leave the garage and see the rest of the apartment, but never had the chance.

So, the three friends decided to go on an adventure together. They set off to explore the rest of the apartment, starting with the bathroom. As they entered the bathroom, they found a bathtub named Bubbles. Bubbles was very excited to join the adventure and jumped out of the bath to join the group.

The four friends continued their adventure, visiting every room in the apartment. They finally reached the front door and decided to see what was outside. However, they didn't know the address of the apartment and were lost.

Compy, being the smartest of the group, suggested that they ask the doorman for directions. So, they made their way to the front desk and asked the doorman for the address. The doorman, who was very surprised to see a talking couch, cooker, computer, and bathtub, told them the address and wished them a safe journey.

The four friends finally returned home, exhausted from their adventure but filled with memories that would last a lifetime. From that day on, they made sure to always stick together and explore the world around them, even if it was just within the walls of their small apartment.

The end.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did Cooky want to do?
  3. How did Fred, Cooky, Compy and Bubbles become friends?
  4. What did they discover during their adventure?
  5. How did Compy help the group find their way back home?
  6. What did the doorman say to the group when they asked for their address?
  7. Do you think the four friends will go on another adventure together? Why or why not?
  8. How do you think the other objects in the apartment felt about Fred, Cooky, Compy and Bubbles’ adventure?
  9. What would you do if you were in their shoes?
  10. What did you like best about the story?

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