Once upon a time, in a magical land, there lived a group of creatures called Timies. Timies were known for their love of time and they lived by the rules of time. They lived in a world where a week was as long as a mile, an hour was a day, a minute was a kilogram, a centimetre was a temperature, and a day was as short as a second.
One day, the Timies woke up to find that their world was in chaos. The sun was shining for days on end, the rivers were running backwards, and the trees were growing at an alarming rate. The Timies were confused and didn't know what to do.
That's when a wise old Timie stepped forward and said, "I have a solution. We must go on a journey to find the Time Keeper and ask for help." So, the Timies set out on a journey to find the Time Keeper.
After many days of walking, they finally came across a wise old creature who was holding a giant hourglass. The Timies recognised the creature as the Time Keeper and they approached him with their problem.
The Time Keeper listened to the Timies and then he said, "Ah, I see what the problem is. You have all mixed up the units of time. A week is not a mile, an hour is not a day, a minute is not a kilogram, a centimetre is not a temperature, and a day is not as short as a second."
The Timies were shocked to hear this and they asked the Time Keeper what they could do to fix their world. The Time Keeper chuckled and said, "All you have to do is follow the rules of time and everything will be back to normal."
And that's exactly what the Timies did. They followed the rules of time and their world was restored to its rightful state. The sun was shining for the right amount of time, the rivers were flowing in the right direction, and the trees were growing at the right pace.
The Timies were overjoyed and they thanked the Time Keeper for his help. From that day on, they lived by the rules of time and their world was always in balance. And they all lived happily ever after!
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