The Surprising Tour of Small Town

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a group of friends named Max, Lucy, Tom, and Sally. They loved to go on adventures and explore new places. One day, they decided to go on a tour of their town to see what all it had to offer.

First, they stopped at the post office to send a letter to their grandparents. But as soon as they stepped inside, they saw that the postman had fallen asleep on the floor, snoring loudly! They tiptoed past him and quickly sent the letter before they woke him up.

Next, they went to the bank to deposit some money they had earned from doing chores. But as they entered, they saw that the teller was dancing on the counter, counting money to the beat of the music! They watched in awe for a minute, then decided to come back later.

After that, they visited the garage to see if they could get a glimpse of some cool cars. But as they walked in, they saw that the mechanic was having a tea party with his tools, sipping on oil from tiny cups! Max, Lucy, Tom, and Sally joined in, sipping on soda from their own cups.

Next on their list was the hairdresser. When they entered, they saw that the hairdresser was giving haircuts to a group of squirrels! The friends joined in, brushing and braiding the squirrels' hair, giggling the whole time.

After that, they went to the cafe for a quick bite. But as soon as they sat down, they saw that the barista was juggling cups and saucers, entertaining the customers! They clapped and cheered, then ordered their food and continued their tour.

Next, they visited the restaurant. When they walked in, they saw that the chef was playing the piano, singing a song about his love for cooking! They sang along, then sat down to enjoy a delicious meal.

After that, they stopped at the hotel, where they saw that the receptionist was putting on a magic show for the guests! They were amazed by the tricks, then continued on their tour.

Finally, they ended their day at the cinema, where they saw a movie about four friends going on a tour of their town. It was so much fun, and they realized that every place in their town was full of surprises and adventures! They went to bed that night, dreaming of their next tour.

The end.


  1. What did Max, Lucy, Tom, and Sally do first on their tour of their town?
  2. What did they see when they went to the bank?
  3. What was happening at the garage?
  4. Who was getting haircuts at the hairdresser?
  5. What was the barista doing at the cafe?
  6. What was the chef doing at the restaurant?
  7. What did the receptionist at the hotel do?
  8. What movie did Max, Lucy, Tom, and Sally see at the cinema?
  9. Was every place they visited full of surprises and adventures?
  10. What did they dream about that night?

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