The Great Raise Prank

Once upon a time, there was a small town where all the citizens had interesting and unique jobs. One day, an actor named Peter decided to play a prank on his friends who were a driver, a doctor, a shopper, a mechanic, and an artist.

Peter disguised himself as the town's boss and sent a letter to each of his friends, inviting them to a meeting at the town hall. They all arrived, thinking they were in trouble, but to their surprise, they found out that the boss wanted to give each of them a raise!

The driver was excited because she could finally afford to buy a new car. The doctor was thrilled because he could buy all the latest medical equipment. The shopper was overjoyed because she could finally buy all the clothes she wanted. The mechanic was over the moon because he could finally earn enough to open his own garage. And the artist was ecstatic because he could finally afford to buy all the art supplies he needed.

Just as the boss was about to give each of them their raise, Peter jumped out of his disguise, revealing that he was behind the whole thing. The friends laughed and laughed, and the artist even painted a picture of Peter as the boss.

From that day on, Peter's friends never doubted his acting skills again, and they always made sure to check who the letter was from before getting too excited!

The end.


  1. Who played a prank on the group of friends in the story?
  2. What were the different jobs of the friends in the story?
  3. How did the friends feel when they thought they were getting a raise?
  4. How did the friends react when they found out it was a prank?
  5. Can you think of another creative prank that someone could play on their friends?

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