The Magic Fruit Picnic: A Tale of Seven Colorful Friends

Once upon a time, in a magical land where fruits were colorful, there lived seven best friends who were fruits themselves. Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Orange were always up to some mischief, but they always had each other's back.

One day, Pink came up with a brilliant idea to have a fruit picnic. All the fruits agreed, and they set out to gather the tastiest and juiciest fruits for the picnic.

Yellow, who was known for his sweet tooth, brought along a basket of yellow bananas. Red brought some juicy red apples, Blue brought some plump blueberries, Green brought some crunchy green grapes, Orange brought some ripe oranges, and Purple brought some tangy purple plums.

But when they got to the picnic spot, they realized that Pink had forgotten to bring any fruit. Pink was embarrassed, but the other fruits were not worried. They came up with a plan to make Pink's contribution to the picnic a surprise.

They all gathered around Pink, closed their eyes, and started to sing, "Pink, Pink, you're our friend, bring us the fruit that will never end." When they opened their eyes, Pink had turned into a giant pink watermelon!

The fruits were amazed, and they all laughed and enjoyed the delicious watermelon. From that day on, Pink was known as the "Fruit that Brings Joy."

And that's the story of how seven best friends, Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Orange, had a colorful and fruity picnic that they would never forget.


  1. Who were the seven fruit friends in the story?
  2. What did each fruit bring to the picnic?
  3. What happened to Pink at the picnic?
  4. Why was Pink known as the "Fruit that Brings Joy"?
  5. Can you name a few of the colors of the fruits in the story?
  6. Do you think the fruits had fun at the picnic? Why or why not?
  7. If you were one of the fruits, what kind of fruit would you be and what would you bring to the picnic?
  8. Do you think the fruits will have another picnic again? Why or why not?

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