The Adventures of Billy and the Dolphin Bus

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Billy who lived in a house by the sea. He loved to play in the pool and go on adventures with his friends.

One day, Billy and his friends decided they wanted to go on a boat ride to the store to buy some ice cream. They put on their life jackets and set off on their adventure.

But as they were sailing, they suddenly realized they were lost! They didn't know how to get back home.

Just then, they saw a big yellow bus on the water. They were so surprised! The bus driver, who was a friendly dolphin, offered to give them a ride back home.

They happily climbed onto the bus and the dolphin took them on a wild ride through the waves. They passed schools of fish and even saw a giant octopus!

Finally, they arrived back at Billy's house by the pool. They all enjoyed some delicious ice cream and had a great time telling their parents about their crazy adventure.

From that day on, Billy and his friends never forgot to bring a map on their adventures, but they also never forgot the exciting ride on the bus with the friendly dolphin!


  1. What was Billy and his friends' original plan for the day?
  2. What happened when they were sailing on the boat?
  3. Who helped them get back home?
  4. What did they see on the bus ride with the friendly dolphin?
  5. What did Billy and his friends learn from their adventure?

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