The Great Pumpkin Hide and Seek Adventure

Once upon a time, there were seven pumpkins that lived in a pumpkin patch. The first pumpkin, One, was always boasting about how he was the biggest and the best. The second pumpkin, Two, was always making fun of One, saying that size doesn't matter and that he was much funnier.

Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven were all friends and they would spend hours playing together and having fun. One day, they decided to play a game of hide and seek.

Two hid first and when One went to look for him, he stumbled upon Six who was hiding behind a bush. One didn't see Six, so he continued searching.

Next, Four was found by Three, and then Five was found by Seven. Now, all that was left was Two and One.

After searching for what felt like hours, One finally found Two hiding in a pumpkin. Two was so well hidden that One didn't even see him at first.

When Two emerged from the pumpkin, he had a big grin on his face. "Ha! I win! Size doesn't matter after all," Two laughed.

One was shocked and embarrassed. "I guess you're right, Two. I shouldn't have been so arrogant," One said, laughing.

And from that day on, One learned to not judge others based on their size and the seven pumpkins all lived happily ever after, playing together and having fun.


  1. Who were the seven pumpkins in the story and what were their personalities like?

  2. Why did Two make fun of One?

  3. What did One learn from playing hide and seek with the other pumpkins?

  4. Who won the game of hide and seek in the end?

  5. What did the seven pumpkins do after they finished playing hide and seek?

  6. Why was it important for One to learn not to judge others based on their size?

  7. How did the seven pumpkins live happily ever after?

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