Max the Mischievous Mutt's Door Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Max. Max lived in a small house with his owner, and every day he liked to play with his toys. One day, Max was feeling extra mischievous and wanted to play a trick on his owner.

So, when his owner went to work, Max took all the doors in the house and switched them around. He closed the doors that were usually open, and opened the doors that were usually closed.

When his owner came back from work, he was completely confused! He tried to turn the lights on, but they were off. He tried to go upstairs to take a nap, but instead he found himself in the bathroom. He tried to go downstairs to make dinner, but he ended up in the closet.

Max was laughing so hard, he couldn't even stand up straight! His owner finally figured out what was going on, and joined in on the fun. They spent the rest of the day opening and closing doors, turning the lights on and off, and going up and down the stairs.

From that day on, Max and his owner had a new game to play whenever they were feeling silly. And whenever someone asked Max what he did all day, he would just wag his tail and say, "I just open and close doors, turn the lights on and off, and go up and down, up and down, up and down!"


  1. How does Max feel at the beginning of the story?
  2. What does Max do to his owner's house?
  3. How does Max's owner feel when he comes back from work?
  4. How does Max and his owner spend the rest of the day?
  5. Have you ever played a trick on someone or had a trick played on you? How did it feel?

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