Sophie's Poutine Adventure: A Cook-Off with Friends

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young girl named Sophie. Sophie loved cooking and experimenting with new recipes. One day, she heard about a special dish called poutine from her friend, and she was eager to try it.

Sophie went to the market to buy the ingredients and followed the recipe she found online. As she cooked, the smell of the crispy fries and melted cheese filled her kitchen. When she finally tasted the dish, she was amazed by how delicious it was.

Excited about her new discovery, Sophie decided to share it with her friends. They gathered at her house for a cook-off and each brought their favorite dish to share. Sophie made poutine, and her friends brought pudding, raclette, and other tasty treats.

Everyone had a great time trying the different dishes and sharing recipes. Sophie was especially happy when her friends loved her poutine as much as she did. From then on, they had a cook-off every month, trying new recipes and having fun together.

The end.


  1. Who is Sophie and what does she love to do?
  2. What dish did Sophie learn about from her friend?
  3. What did Sophie and her friends bring to the cook-off?
  4. How did Sophie's friends react to her poutine?
  5. What did Sophie and her friends start doing after the cook-off?

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