Clappy the Clown's Six Special Moves

Once upon a time there was a clown named Clappy who loved to make kids laugh. He had six special moves: slap, tap, clap, pop, snap, and stomp. One day, he was performing at a circus, but the audience was not amused. So, Clappy decided to showcase all his moves in quick succession. He started with a slap, followed by a tap, then a clap, then a pop, followed by a snap, and finally a stomp. The audience was amazed, and they started clapping loudly. Clappy was so happy that he took a bow and said, "I hope you learned that a little bit of slap, tap, clap, pop, snap, and stomp can go a long way in making people happy!"


  1. What was Clappy's goal as a clown?
  2. What were Clappy's six special moves?
  3. How did the audience react to Clappy's performance?
  4. Why do you think Clappy took a bow at the end of the story?
  5. How does using different actions like slap, tap, clap, pop, snap, and stomp make people happy?

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