Eggbert the Rainbow Egg: A Colorful Adventure

Once upon a time, there was an egg named Eggbert who lived in a colorful forest filled with pink, orange, purple, green, red and blue trees. One day, Eggbert wanted to paint himself to match the colors of the forest. So he went from tree to tree, collecting paint from the leaves to color himself.

First, he painted himself pink but realized he looked like a giant cherry. Then he tried orange but looked too much like a pumpkin. Next, he tried purple but looked like a grape. He felt discouraged until he saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

Eggbert got an idea and decided to paint himself all the colors of the rainbow. When he was finished, he was so colorful that all the animals in the forest were amazed by his beauty. From then on, Eggbert was known as the most colorful egg in the forest and everyone loved to play with him. The end.


  1. What color did Eggbert try first?
  2. How did the animals in the forest react to Eggbert's new look?
  3. What inspired Eggbert to paint himself all the colors of the rainbow?
  4. What did Eggbert become known as after he painted himself with all the colors of the rainbow?

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