The Counting Adventure of the Five Friends

Once upon a time, there were five friends: one ant, two ladybugs, three bees and four caterpillars. They all lived in a big garden and loved to play together. One day, they decided to have a counting competition. The ant claimed he could count the most items in the garden. The others didn't believe him, so they agreed to have a race.

The ant started counting flowers, but after six he found a bug. It was so big and scary that he had to hide behind a leaf. The bee asked him what was wrong, and the ant explained the situation. The bee said, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." And with that, the bee flew to the bug and started buzzing loudly. The bug became so scared that it ran away.

The friends continued counting and found many more bugs, but whenever they encountered a scary one, the bee would come to the rescue. In the end, the ant counted the most items and won the competition. The friends were happy and laughed a lot. They learned that working together is always better than going it alone. The End.


  1. Who were the five friends in the story?
  2. What did the friends do in the garden?
  3. Who won the counting competition?
  4. Why was the ant scared of the bug?
  5. How did the bee help the ant?
  6. What did the friends learn from this adventure?

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