Once upon a time, there was a superhero named Captain Cozy who wore a warm sweater and a pair of boots to save the day. One day, he received an urgent call from the city that a thief was stealing all the hats from the citizens.
Captain Cozy quickly put on his cape, mask and sunglasses and flew to the scene. When he arrived, he saw that the thief was wearing a huge hat that covered his face and a pair of dark sunglasses.
Captain Cozy approached the thief and asked him what he was doing. The thief replied, "I am trying to make everyone look like me!" Captain Cozy laughed and said, "Well, that's not very nice, is it?"
The thief then realized how silly he was being and returned all the hats to their rightful owners. Captain Cozy and the thief even became friends and went on many adventures together, always making sure to wear their hats, sunglasses, capes, masks, boots and sweaters.
The end.
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