The Little Mouse's Great Escape

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse who lived in a tree. He loved to play and explore the world around him. One day, he saw a baby bug crawling on the ground and thought to himself, "What a cute little baby bug! I want to be friends with him." So he scampered down the tree and approached the baby bug. Just then, a dog came running by and started to chase the mouse. The mouse ran as fast as he could, but the dog was too fast. Just when the mouse thought he was done for, he spotted a car parked near a house. He quickly jumped into the car, and the dog ran right past him, not even noticing that the mouse was now safe in the car. The mouse breathed a sigh of relief and looked over at the baby bug, who was still crawling along the ground. The mouse smiled and said, "I guess I don't have to be friends with you today. I'll see you tomorrow!" And with that, the mouse drove off in the car, and the baby bug continued on its way. The end.


  • Why did the mouse want to be friends with the baby bug?
  • How did the mouse escape from the dog?
  • How did the mouse feel when he was safe in the car?
  • What do you think the mouse will do next?
  • Why do you think the dog didn't see the mouse in the car?

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