Benny the Smiling Bowl's Birthday Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a bowl named Benny who lived on a shelf in the kitchen. He always had a big smile on his face, but he felt sad because nobody ever hugged him or used him for anything.

One day, Benny overheard the kids talking about a birthday party they were going to have for their friend. He decided he wanted to be a part of it and make someone happy. So, he carefully climbed down from the shelf and crept over to the gift box.

Benny squeezed himself into the box and when the kids opened it, they found a smiling bowl! They were so surprised and delighted that they all started to hug Benny. They used him to serve the birthday treats and everyone had a great time.

From then on, Benny was no longer just a plain old bowl. He was the most special bowl in the house, always bringing smiles and joy to everyone who saw him. And every time he was hugged, he felt like the happiest bowl in the world.

The end.


  1. What did Benny do to become part of the birthday party?
  2. How did the kids feel when they saw Benny in the gift box?
  3. Why was Benny happy at the end of the story?
  4. How do you think Benny felt before he became part of the birthday party?
  5. Can you think of another object that could come to life and bring joy to people's lives?

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