The Adventure Squad: A Fun Tale of Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a goldfish named Glitter who lived in a small pond. One day, Glitter met a hamster named Harry who lived in a cage nearby. They became fast friends and decided to go on an adventure. Along the way, they met a bunny named Bugs, a turtle named Turbo, a mouse named Mickey, a cat named Coco, a bird named Benny, and a dog named Duke.

Together, they explored the forest and had all sorts of fun. But when they came across a big, mean bear, they didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Duke had an idea. He started barking loudly, scaring the bear away. The others cheered and realized that even though they were all different, they could still help each other out. From that day on, they went on many more adventures and had lots of fun together. The end.


  1. Who was Glitter and what kind of animal was he?
  2. Who did Glitter meet on his adventure?
  3. How did the group of friends help each other when they encountered a mean bear?
  4. In the end, what did the friends learn about themselves?
  5. Can you think of any other adventures that the Adventure Squad might go on?

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