The Great Sports Ball Tournament

Once upon a time, there was a group of sports balls- Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Volleyball, Football, and Baseball. They all wanted to play together but couldn't agree on what sport to play. So, they decided to have a tournament to determine the best sport.

First up was Tennis vs Golf. The match was intense but in the end, Tennis won with a powerful serve. Next up was Basketball vs Volleyball. It was a high-flying game but Basketball made the winning shot from half-court.

The final match was between Football and Baseball. The two were evenly matched, but Football made a touchdown and won the tournament. All the sports balls were happy and decided to play together every day.

And that's how they became the best of friends and had fun playing different sports together. The end.


  1. What sport won the tournament in the story?
  2. How did the sports balls become friends?
  3. Can you think of other ways the sports balls could have decided on the best sport?
  4. What lesson can you learn from the story about working together and playing fair?

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