Squeaky the Love Spreader: A Tale of Licks, Winks, Pats, Kisses, Hugs, Smiles, and Gifts".

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous squirrel named Squeaky who loved to play secrets games. One day, Squeaky received a mysterious gift with a card that read "Congratulations! You are chosen to spread love and joy". Squeaky was very excited and decided to spread love by giving licks, winks, pats, kisses, hugs, and smiles to everyone he met in the forest.
But then, Squeaky realized he had run out of gifts! So, he used his wit and creativity to come up with a new way to spread love. He gave everyone a "squirrel kiss" - a special lick on the nose. And with a big smile, Squeaky hugged everyone and pat their backs. Everyone was so happy they all started spreading the love too! And that's how Squeaky spread love and joy in the forest, with just a lick, wink, pat, kiss, hug, smile, and some wit. The end.


  1. What did Squeaky receive in the gift?
  2. What did Squeaky do to spread love and joy in the forest?
  3. How did Squeaky come up with a new way to spread love when he ran out of gifts?
  4. How did the other animals in the forest respond to Squeaky's actions?
  5. Can you think of a creative way to spread love and joy in your community, like Squeaky did?

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