The Fun-tastic Summer Picnic Plate & Cup Balancing Game

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to have fun in the summer. They decided to have a picnic and invited everyone they knew.
At the picnic, they brought plates, cups, and lots of delicious food. They had so much fun eating and playing games in the sunshine.
But, one friend named Max had an idea to make the picnic even more fun. He suggested they play a game where they balance food on their heads and try not to drop it.
Everyone tried to balance fruits, sandwiches, and even a cup full of juice, but Max managed to balance a whole plate of food and a cup on his head!
Everyone cheered and laughed, and from that day on, the picnic game became a tradition every summer. The end.


  1. What did the friends bring to the picnic?
  2. Who had the idea to play the food balancing game?
  3. What did Max balance on his head during the game?
  4. Why did everyone cheer and laugh?
  5. What happened after the picnic game became a tradition?

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