The Lighthouse and the Silly Bird

Once upon a time, there was a lighthouse on a cliff by the ocean. One day, a wave came crashing into the coast and washed a bird onto a rock. The bird looked around and saw the lighthouse. It flew up to the top of the lighthouse and started to sing a silly song. The lighthouse keeper was so amused that he started to dance along with the bird. Suddenly, they heard a rumble and looked down to see a huge wave heading straight for the beach. The lighthouse keeper and the bird worked together to warn all the beachgoers, and everyone made it to safety just in time. From then on, the lighthouse, the bird, and the beach were best friends and had many more adventures by the coast.


-What did the bird do when it got washed up on the coast?
-Why did the lighthouse keeper start to dance with the bird?
-What did the lighthouse keeper and the bird do to warn the beachgoers?
-How did the lighthouse, the bird, and the beach become friends?

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