The Tiny Seed's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a tiny seed who dreamed of growing big and strong. One day, it got its chance when the sun shone down and warmed the dirt just enough for the seed to sprout. But oh no! A sudden rain came and washed the seed away from its cozy spot. Determined, the seed held on tight and floated down until it found the perfect place to land - a hole in the ground. With a little help from a friendly shovel, the seed was planted deep in the soil. With plenty of sunshine and rain, the seed grew and grew until it became the tallest, strongest plant in the whole garden! From that day on, the seed never forgot the journey that brought it to where it is now.


  1. What did the seed want to be when it grew up?
  2. How did the seed get washed away from its original spot?
  3. What did the seed need to grow big and strong?
  4. Who helped the seed get planted in the hole in the ground?
  5. How did the seed become the tallest and strongest plant in the garden?

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