Max and the Chasing Fence

Once upon a time, there was a best friend named Max who loved to ride his bike on the street. One day, he saw a beautiful flower growing by the fence and wanted to pick it for his friend. He climbed over the fence and reached for the flower but accidentally knocked down the gate. Max quickly got back on his bike and rode away as fast as he could. But every time he looked back, the fence and gate were following him down the street! Max's friend asked why he was so out of breath, and Max told her about the fence and gate chasing him. They both laughed and decided to plant the flower back by the fence and make peace with it. From then on, Max and his friend rode their bikes past the flower, fence, and gate, greeting them with a friendly wave.


  1. Why did Max climb over the fence to pick the flower?
  2. How did Max feel when he realized the gate and fence were following him?
  3. What did Max and his friend do to make peace with the fence and gate?
  4. What does the story teach us about friendship and taking care of nature?

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