The Great Furniture Hide & Seek Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a chair who decided to play a game of hide and seek with his friends - the desk, table and bed. Chair thought he would be the one hiding, but little did he know, the others had other plans.
So as Chair counted, Desk slid under the table, Table climbed under a tree, and Bed jumped into the bed.
When Chair finished counting and opened his eyes, he couldn't find anyone. He searched high and low, but still no luck.
Just when he was about to give up, he heard a giggle. He followed the sound and finally found his friends, all hiding under the same tree.
"You sneaky guys!" laughed Chair. "I never would have thought to look under here!"
And so, the four furniture friends had a good laugh and continued their fun-filled day.


  1. Why did Chair think he would be the one hiding?
  2. Where did Desk, Table and Bed hide?
  3. What did Chair do when he couldn't find his friends?
  4. How did Chair finally find his friends?
  5. How did they feel when they found each other?

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