Bobo and the Rose Bug Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a bird named Bobo who had big ears. Bobo always loved to sniff roses and have lunch. One day, while he was busy eating his lunch, he felt a tickle on his toes. He looked down and saw a bug! Bobo sniffed the bug and found out it was a rose bug. From that day on, Bobo and the rose bug became best friends and went on adventures together, sniffing all the roses they could find. The end.


  1. What did Bobo do when he felt something tickling his toes?
  2. How did Bobo and the rose bug become best friends?
  3. What did Bobo like to sniff besides roses?
  4. Who felt busy in the story?
  5. What was Bobo's favorite thing to eat for lunch?

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