Hilly the Hill's Adventure and the Lake Race

Once upon a time, there was a tiny hill named Hilly who lived on the side of a mountain. Hilly loved to explore and one day decided to journey down to the nearby river to see what lay beyond. He eventually reached the river and began to follow it until he came across a vast desert.
He was about to turn back when he heard a voice calling "Hilly, Hilly, come quick!" It was the Earth asking for help. Apparently, a group of mischievous lakes had decided to have a big race and were causing earthquakes and floods everywhere.
Hilly bravely agreed to help and set off towards the source of the commotion. When he arrived, he found the lakes splashing around and having a grand old time. Hilly kindly asked them to stop their race before they caused any more damage.
But the lakes were having too much fun and wouldn’t listen. So Hilly thought up a creative solution. He challenged the lakes to a race, but instead of a foot race, they would have a splash race. The lake that could create the biggest and best splash would win.
The lakes eagerly agreed and the race began. In the end, the biggest and best splash was created by the tiniest lake, much to the surprise of everyone. The lakes then apologized for their behaviour and promised to never cause trouble again. Hilly returned home to the mountain, proud of his bravery and cleverness. And the Earth lived happily ever after.


  1. Why did Hilly set off on his journey to the river and beyond?
  2. What problem was the Earth facing and how did Hilly help solve it?
  3. What was Hilly's solution for stopping the mischievous lakes?
  4. Who won the splash race and why was it surprising?
  5. How did Hilly feel after he returned from his adventure?

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