The Reading Adventure of Timmy and the Dog

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to read books. One day, he decided to read a book to his brother and sister. His brother was too busy playing with their dog and his sister was talking to their mom on the phone. Timmy felt sad, but he didn't give up. He went to find someone to read to. He saw his dad, but he was working. He saw his aunt, but she was napping. Finally, he found his grandma and asked if she wanted to hear a story. Grandma was happy to listen, so Timmy read her a funny story about a dog who went on adventures. They both laughed so hard that Timmy's brother and sister came to see what was going on. In the end, they all read together and had a great time.


  1. Who did Timmy first try to read to?
  2. Who was Timmy's grandma doing when he found her?
  3. What happened in the end that made everyone happy?
  4. Why did Timmy's sister and brother come over to Grandma's house?
  5. Who was the main character in the story Timmy read to Grandma?

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