Sparky the Problem Solver: A Tale of Light, Stick, Heavy, Rock, and Logs

Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Sparky who loved to play in the park. One day, he came across a heavy rock and decided to lift it up. But, oh no! He couldn't do it.
Sparky then saw a stick lying nearby and had an idea. He used the stick to lever the rock, but it was still too heavy. Suddenly, a log floated by and Sparky had a brilliant thought. He used the light log as a fulcrum and the heavy rock lifted easily!
From that day on, Sparky became known as the smartest dog in the park and always used his creativity to solve problems. The end.


  1. Why was Sparky having trouble lifting the heavy rock?
  2. How did Sparky use the stick to help him lift the rock?
  3. How did the log help Sparky lift the rock?
  4. Why is Sparky known as the smartest dog in the park?

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