The Trio's Talent Show Adventure

Once upon a time, there were three best friends named Jack, Jill, and Spot. They all loved to act, dance and sing. They decided to put on a show for the townspeople. Jack was going to be the star and he would act, dance and sing. Jill was going to be the bow in a juggling act and Spot was going to be the ball that Jill would juggle.

On the day of the show, the townspeople gathered to watch. Jack started the show by acting out a funny skit. Then he danced and sang a silly song. Jill took the stage and started juggling with her bow. Spot was having so much fun being thrown around, he started singing too!

The townspeople laughed and clapped as Jack, Jill, and Spot continued to put on a show they would never forget. At the end, they all took a big bow and said, "We can do anything when we work together!"


  1. What were Jack, Jill, and Spot's talents in the story?
  2. What did the townspeople think about the show?
  3. Why do you think the friends decided to put on a show together?
  4. What did the friends learn from putting on a show together?
  5. What would you like to be if you were in a talent show?

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