The Adventure of the Purple Shoes

Once upon a time, there was a pair of magical purple shoes that loved to play in the park. One day, they wanted to paint the fence, but they didn't have any brushes. So, they decided to use the water hose as their paint brush! They swung back and forth, splashing paint everywhere and having a great time. Suddenly, the door opened and out stepped the park keeper who was not happy with the mess they had made. The shoes ran as fast as they could, leaving a trail of purple paint behind them. They finally stopped to catch their breath on a patch of grass, and that's when they realized they had painted the entire park purple! From that day on, the park was known as the "Purple Playground" and everyone had a blast playing on the swings and running through the colorful grass. The end.


  1. Why did the shoes want to paint the fence?
  2. How did they use the water hose to paint?
  3. How did the park keeper react to the mess?
  4. What happened to the park after it was painted purple?
  5. What do you think would have happened if the shoes had used brushes instead of the hose?

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