Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to go on adventures. One day, she decided to take a walk to the bus stop to ride the bus to school. On her way, she saw that the bus was far away and she would have to wait for it. She thought to herself, "I have plenty of time, I'll pay a visit to my friend down the street." So, she took a detour and walked a different way. When she finally arrived at the bus stop, she found out that the bus driver wouldn't let her ride because she didn't have any money to pay for the ride. Lily said, "Oh no! I should have brought my piggy bank with me."
Just then, a friendly magician appeared and offered to give her a ride on his magic broomstick. Lily was so excited and took the ride of a lifetime to school. From that day on, she never forgot to bring her money with her and always made sure to find a magical ride if needed.
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