The Clever mouse and the big pile of leaves

Once upon a time, there was a small brown mouse named I. I loved playing in the big pile of leaves in grandma's backyard. One day, I tried to rake up all the leaves so I could jump into them, but they were too many! So I went to ask Grandma for help. She gave me a big rake, but it was too heavy for me to handle. I tried and tried, but the leaves just wouldn't budge. Suddenly, I had an idea! I ran to the kitchen, grabbed some cheese, and laid a trail leading to the big pile of leaves. Sure enough, the mice from all around came running to follow the cheese trail, and together we raked up all the leaves in no time! And then we all jumped into the big pile of leaves and had so much fun! The end.


  • What did the mouse do when it couldn't rake up all the leaves?
  • How did the mouse get help with raking the leaves?
  • Why did the mice follow the cheese trail?
  • How did they feel after they finished raking the leaves?

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