Lily's Path: A Story of Hard Work and Dedication

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by rolling hills and lush green meadows, there lived a little girl named Lily. She loved to explore the world around her and one day, while wandering around the village, she came across a watering can lying on the cobblestone path.

Lily picked up the watering can and decided to use it to water the flowers growing along the fence. She filled the can with water from a nearby stream and began to sprinkle the flowers. But as she was walking along the fence, she noticed that some of the cobblestones were missing and the path was uneven.

Determined to fix the path, Lily went to the village store and bought some new cobblestones. She then spent the whole day filling in the gaps in the path and making sure that the cobblestones were even.

As she was finishing up her work, the villagers started to gather around and admire her handiwork. They were so impressed with her hard work and dedication that they decided to build a beautiful fence around the cobblestone path to protect it.

From that day on, the cobblestone path was known as Lily's Path and it became a popular spot for the villagers to walk, relax and admire the flowers. And every day, Lily would water the flowers along the fence, feeling proud of her contribution to the village.

The end.


  1. What did Lily do when she found the watering can on the cobblestone path?
  2. Why did Lily decide to fix the cobblestone path?
  3. How did the villagers react to Lily's hard work on the path?
  4. What did the villagers do to show their appreciation for Lily's work?
  5. Why was the cobblestone path named "Lily's Path"?
  6. What did Lily feel proud of at the end of the story?
  7. What is the moral of the story "Lily's Path"?

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