The Helpful Tree

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tree named Sam. Sam lived in a lovely garden filled with grass, flowers, and a winding path made of cobblestones. Sam was very proud of his branches and leaves, which provided shade and homes for many creatures.

One day, Sam noticed that the flowers in the flowerbed near his trunk were looking a bit wilted. Sam knew they needed water, but he couldn't reach them with his branches. Suddenly, he had an idea. He rustled his leaves and called out to the gardener who was walking by with a watering can.

"Excuse me, kind gardener," said Sam. "Could you please water the flowers in the flowerbed? They look very thirsty."

The gardener was happy to help and soon the flowers were perked up and smiling again. Sam was so grateful that he offered to help water the flowers in the future.

From that day on, whenever the gardener came by with the watering can, Sam would shake his branches and call out to him. The gardener would then water the flowers in the flowerbed and Sam would use his branches to reach the flowers in the flowerpots along the fence.

The flowers in the garden were always healthy and happy thanks to Sam and the gardener's teamwork. And Sam was happy knowing that he was helping to make the garden a more beautiful place.

The end.


  1. Why was the tree named Sam happy to help water the flowers?
  2. What did the tree do to get the gardener's attention?
  3. How did the tree and the gardener work together to help the flowers?
  4. How did the flowers in the garden feel after they were watered?
  5. Why do you think the tree wanted to help the flowers?

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