The Five Monkeys and Their Fingers

Once upon a time, there were five little monkeys who loved to play. One day, they wanted to see how many fingers they had all together. The first monkey counted and said "one, two, three, four, five." The second monkey counted and said "two, four, six." The third monkey counted and said "three, six, nine." The fourth monkey counted and said "four, eight, twelve." The fifth monkey counted and said "five, ten, fifteen." They all looked at each other and said "Wait! That's not right!" So they started counting again, this time on their hands. And they found out that all together, they had twenty fingers! "Wow!", they said, "We have enough fingers to make a whole hand!" From then on, the five monkeys always counted on their hands whenever they wanted to see how many fingers they had.


  1. How many monkeys were in the story?
  2. How many fingers did they have all together?
  3. How did the monkeys count their fingers in the end?
  4. What did the monkeys say when they found out how many fingers they had?
  5. Why was it important for the monkeys to count on their hands?

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